Singing Soulutions


Singing Soulutions is a singing movement! It promotes singing as a tool for health and wellness, and brings focus to using your own music to develop your own music mindfulness approach through the strategies shared through our 6-week program. No singing experience necessary!

In our society, music is everywhere! Singing Soulutions invites us to bring music somewhere specific - back to our own story and our own emotional expression - and working through body, breath and voice to calm our nervous systems. 

We have a range of groups that focus on singing for your health and wellness, so please sign up for a 6-week program that speaks to your needs - to encourage your individual process within a shared, connected community space.

There is a growing range of ways to get involved. Come and join us to sing for your health!

“Thank you both so much for all you have done to create and offer these experiences for us! I am uplifted, braver, and more present in the world as a result of our experiences together, and I am deeply grateful.”

Lisa (she/her) - Singing Soulutions for Self-Care.

“I never thought much about music until this program. We now listen to music more often and listen to more varieties. This was way out of my comfort zone, but I really enjoyed the program and staff, as did Joan. The joy it brought Joan was priceless.”

Jon (he/him) - Singing Soulutions for Memory Care.

“I really appreciate having a safe space with Singing Solutions. I've gotten a lot out of being around others in this kind of dynamic, knowing I can show up as myself in a space. Each time we are encouraged to connect with our own body in the space as we are singing. All of this has helped me feel empowered and more grounded. I am very appreciative 😊

Mel (they/them) - Singing Soulutions for Queer Voices.



We are currently transitioning away from being a project of CNY Music Therapy LLC, and we are setting up as a not-for-profit to grow and develop this Singing Soulutions program!

This is our new website! And we are growing our team to function in this new way. This is an exciting time and we are gearing up for a new season of programs! Programs will start in August - please fill in your registration and come and join us!

A newsletter will be on its way to you soon! (Subscribe below!) Watch out for our social media posts - and please like and share!

Kath, James & Alison clapping and laughing in Singing Leader training

Singing Leader Training

A foundational piece of this program is that local singing leaders will be trained and mentored to equip them to facilitate the groups, so that it can grow incrementally and also represent the city that it serves. We are about to start our 3rd round of training local singing leaders, in partnership with the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Company.

Please reach out to if you are interested in becoming a singing leader or a volunteer.

We have been awarded a GRACE 2024 grant from CNY Arts to support this training program in collaboration with PRPAC

Make a donation.

(please note donations are currently being directed through CNY Music Therapy while we get set up.)