Help spread the joy and healing power of Music

Partner with Us

Join the growing number of organizations and individuals working with us to host programs, develop new groups and spread the music

Become a Leader

Want to lead a Singing Soulutions group? We would love to have you! Sign up for our training program so you can be paid to co-lead and lead groups of your own!


Making these groups run is not all songs and roses. We welcome any support you can offer to help our not for profit flourish!

Join the growing number of organizations and individuals working with us to host programs, develop new groups and spread the music.

We are always looking for new partners. So please reach out to

Partner with Singing Soulutions

Host a Program

If you are looking to host a Singing Soulutions 6-week Program, or a one-off session, or have more questions about hosting, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Want to lead a Singing Soulutions group? We would love to hear from you! If you have some singing and movement experience, please reach out for more info! 

We have an ongoing partnership for running 6-week programs with Empower Parkinson’s, and we are excited to expand our program to your organization. 

Become a Sponsor or Donate

If you are looking to sponsor Singing Soulutions or fund a program, please reach out to us at

If you are looking to make a donation to Singing Soulutions, click below to be redirected.

(please note donations are currently being directed through CNY Music Therapy while we get set up.)


We run our Singing Soulutions for Parkinson’s program through this organisation.

We are collaborating with the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Company to recruit for our next round of Singing Leader training.

The Syracuse Community Choir has been a partner with us from the beginning! 

become a singing soulutions Leader

Here at Singing Soulutions we are committed to community and accessibility! We want to make the healing act of communal singing as wildly available as we can, which means we are always looking for fabulous new people to join our ever growing team!

Singing Soulutions is about moving, breathing, singing - it’s a singing movement!

  • If you have a passion for singing, believe that singing should be available for everyone to enjoy together, and are excited to welcome a range of people who are often excluded …

  • If you look for community and believe that we are better together and that singing can heal across our many divisions …

  • In particular, if you are from an underserved community and want to bring tools for healing there …

...then we would love to hear from you!


  • The training is provided free of cost, and the second phase of mentorship where you work as a contractor in a co-lead role is paid in the form of a stipend

  • Nope! We are looking for folks who have a combination of music and leadership abilities and incorporate relevant music training for those who don’t have a formal music background.

  • ...

Training Program:

  • Phase 1: 8 weekly sessions of 2 hours each, along with required homework set between weeks. 

  • Participants will ‘graduate’ by demonstrating their group singing skills developed in the training and leading a Singing Soulutions group for their peers.

  • Phase 2: Mentorship (co-leading) in a Singing Soulutions 6-week program. 

We are continually expanding our range of groups available and the number of groups running. We will work with you to schedule a group that fits for you.

We are always looking for new partners! As a trainee, you are also encouraged to suggest new groups, and to work with us to set up groups in a new community space, with new community partners. 


Begins August 6th

If you are interested in joining us please apply below or for if you have any questions email:

We are a movement

We are developing our training in a module-based approach, recognizing that in our community there are different levels of musical training and experience. Our training model will develop to also provide a 101, for those who have not yet had an opportunity to learn some of the basics of vocal health and song leading; we are committed to provide a ‘catch-up’ musical training, so that our singing leaders look like the city that we serve, and can be fully equipped to bring their gifts within a supported framework. 

Please reach out to us to express your interest, ask any questions, or to request a conversation with the founder and director, Kath:

Post Training - Contract work:

When you have completed the training you are ready to co-lead a session, we offer a stipend for each group program (total 6 weeks with homework’s set for participants). 

All resources provided and creativity encouraged!:

Singing Soulutions leader per full (6-week) program: $500

Singing Soulutions co-lead per full (6-week) program: $250


Note: Our current base for this training is the Nancy Cantor Warehouse in Downtown Syracuse. Our Singing Soulutions groups are held at SALTSpace.

As a worker, you are responsible for transport to and from this venue, or any other community space where we hold a Singing Soulutions group.


To discuss volunteer opportunities please email Kath at: